Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What is this legit you speak of?

Why am I calling myself a legit mom? Easy enough.  I am not scared to tell the truth about what goes on with trying to balance a family, job, life and fun!  I'm tired of the posers, the trend followers, the closed minded.  It's comforting to find people who can agree to disagree, not judge and always show support.  I am by no means a perfect mom.  But, as long as my family is happy and healthy then I will claim the title supermom.  You can look forward to real life stories from real legit moms on here.  No fluff.  No falsies.  No judging.  
Welcome to legit moms.  If you're not legit, then I don't believe you ;)

Love for real,

Balancing Act

Basically I'm like most moms, balancing & juggling.
I am always trying to juggle the budget vs. getting good quality and healthy things for my family. It's quite the balancing act. Typically you can't categorize me as a certain type of mom; I do what works when it works. Some call it survival mode.
In a perfect world I would be as green and health conscious as I possibly could, but in that perfect world I would also be a millionaire. Some choices just aren't in our budget and that's ok. We do the best we can, when we can!
Sometimes my green involves making my own detergent for the month, some days I'll be happy if I can get the recycling can to the curb in time for trash pick=up.
Some weeks Ill have all groceries and meals prepped by Sunday and then sometimes we order take out more than once a week, (maybe even 3times??! GASP!!)
I still don't have the perfect answer for the perfect balance. We can't be an all or nothing family. I can't say things like " we never have sugar" " we ONLY eat organic" "I never buy detergent". I have to leave room for error. Otherwise I fail. If we eat McDonalds one day, I can't start feeling like my kids aren't eating healthy! Sometimes we need a French Fry without guilt, to be human. So Enjoy the Ride and strive for balance. 

Welcome to Legit Moms

Sometimes you're supermom and sometimes you don't know how you managed to get out of bed that morning. Sound familiar? 
I often talk to my mommy friends, my real CLOSE friends, not just a "friend" on a social media site and tell those NOT so glamorous moments of being a mom of two. Those moments you wouldn't DARE put in your status to be judged by the world. Reality is, real friends DON'T judge. They may not always agree or do things the same way but they understand your life is yours and those relationships are golden. 

We call these none glamorous moments being a "legit mom". It comes with the territory of the job. I don't care how wonderful and perfect that "friend" says they are, especially online, I know once in a while she looks in the mirror for a "you can do this, woman" pep talk and that warrior supermom comes alive. Some days are just easier than others, and that's life 

It can’t all be perfect dinners, well-mannered children and thoughtful husbands. It just DOESN'T happen! So we treasure the good, laugh at the bad, and embrace the future, one Legit Mom Moment at a time. 
Welcome to our blog!
